You won’t be able to enjoy the light from your lantern, or meals from your compact stove without some assistance from the Pro: Fuel Pierceable Butane Gas Cartridge from Companion.
This cartridge will fit most butane stoves or appliances that are compatible with a pierceable cartridge and contains a mix of Propane 20-30%, Butane 70-80%, Butene 0-5% and Propylene 0-5%. Once you’ve fitted it on, you’ll need to keep it connected to your appliance – so it’s perfect for single or prolonged use.
Power your lightweight gas appliance on your next adventure with the Pro: Fuel Pierceable Butane Gas Cartridge from Companion.
Suitable for stoves or appliances that can be used with a pierceable cartridge
Available In-Store Only
External Dimensions:
9L x 9W x 9H cm
Packed Dimensions:
9L x 9W x 9H cm
Gross 0.280 Kg | Net 0.190 Kg
Butane/Propane Fuel Mix | Steel Canister
Supplier Code:
Snowys Code:
Staff tip:Butane stops vaporising at −0.5°C (its boiling point) and Isobutane continues vaporising down to −11.6°C. Depending on the blend of the fuel you are using, you may experience different levels of performance at low temperatures. For use in alpine conditions or cold temperatures, consider using a liquid fuel stove.
Staff tip:Suitable only for stoves or appliances that require a pierceable cartridge.
Q&A's (1)
what appliances use these cannisters1 answer
Hi Folks What appliances use this sort of cannister. Clearing out my Dads garage I found a dozen of them but can not see any thing in his camping gear that uses one.
John - Sydney, NSW(10 months ago)
G'day John,
These piercable cartridges are used with older-style appliances, small stoves and lanterns. They use a screw-in technique to pierce the top of the canister and are single-use. They were commonly used with items such as the Camping Gaz Stoves. We no longer sell any products that use these canisters.