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For consistent, consoling airflow in the more stifling seasons, Katabat produces both 12V and automotive fans for relief from the sweltering heat of the back seat, to the clammy caravan spaces.  

The brand name Katabat derives from ‘katabatic’, describing wind currents that flow downward – for example, direct to the base of a mountain or glacier slope. The air makes contact with a cold surface, cools, becomes dense, and follows a downward gradient. In light of this, katabatic winds are typically colder than others, where ‘Katabat’ maintains the association with cool, fresh airflow.  

Katabat fans are constructed to circulate fresh air in relentless heat with mild, mediating movements. A breath of fresh air on all your outback travels, catch those cool patches of breeze from the cabin seat to the campsite.  

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