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Insect Protection

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There's nothing like camping out on a warm summer's evening, watching the sunset, the light reflecting off the river, dinner cooking on the stove as your camp chair awaits your residence for a relaxing night under the stars.

In the insect world, as day turns to night millions of flying bugs are wakening up to embark on a search for warmth, light and food. Unfortunately, this means that those flying, buzzing, biting critters are headed straight for your campsite to put a firm dampener on the relaxing evening you had in mind.

Not to worry, there's a host of lotions, potions, gizmo's and gadgets to help keep those annoying bugs at bay. Check out our range of personal repellents, physical barriers and devices that create an invisible barrier so you can make the most of a warm night without being the victim of a Culicidae invasion.

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