The chiller that challenges any other – the 40L Platinum® Single Drawer Fridge Freezer by EvaKool carries the cold in the harshest of heat.
A well thawed-out design – its durable metal cabinet and acrylic compartment lids have your fridge-freezer beating the bumps and tumbles of outback travel. Be it fruit, fish, or fizz, the single drawer holds a capacity of 40 litres and doubles as a fridge and freezer – so you can go from fresh to frozen at any pit-stop or pull-up. With a temperature range of -16 to 10 degrees, savour that sizzle of a cold snag hitting the hot plate, and keep the cold ones crisp in the 48-can compartment for those sit-down dinners at sunset. Throw back a beer when those balmy nights begin to dim, thanks to the interior LED light with an easy-to-read display and control panel. From hurtling the highway to rolling down the driveway – enjoy easy cleaning with the removable feature of the drawer tub too.
For the adventurers with cold feet about camping coolers – the EvaKool 40L Platinum® Single Drawer Fridge Freezer is the chest that chills your treasure.
Assembled & Commissioned in Australia
Acrylic compartment lids for durability
Heavy-duty metal cabinet
Heavy-duty floor plate-style bracket for simple securing to a flat surface
Fully insulated cabinet
40-litre single-drawer can be utilised as a fridge or freezer
Staff tip:Head's up, cool cats − this product does not include leads or cables, but a 12−volt Anderson plug has been fitted to the back. EvaKool recommends always fusing your power source.
Hi, many other sellers advertise this with a secop 2.0 compressor however you guys advertise it with a secop 2.5, is this correct?
Ryan - Kinglake West, VIC (4 weeks ago)
G'day Ryan,
We get our specs directly from EvaKool - they state SECOP PBC 2.5 in their product specs. Hope that helps.
Lauren - Snowys(4 weeks ago)
Evakool fridge1 answer
Where are the evakool fridges made ie components. Are they reliable?
S - Perth, WA(1 month ago)
G'day S,
Evakool doesn't explicitly state where all the components are from, however, their drawer fridges are assembled and commissioned in Australia from imported components. We have carried a number of Evakool fridge models over more than a decade, and they are very reliable, and well liked by customers.
Leece - Snowys(1 month ago)
Anderson plug1 answer
So is lead provided or do you purchase it separately to the Anderson plug
Bob - East Melbourne, VIC (1 year ago)
G'day Bob,
This product does not include leads or cables, but a 12−volt Anderson plug has been fitted to the back. So your 12v setup will need a separate cable that can connect from your power source to the Anderson plug on the fridge. EvaKool recommends always fusing your power source.
Kaya - Snowys(1 year ago)
Replacement Divider1 answer
Do you sell replacement dividers for the drawer? I've lost mine and would even consider adding another to keep things better organized. Cheers!
Max - Hobart, TAS (1 year ago)
G'day Max,
We don't sell them seperately, but I'm sure Evakool would be more than happy to help you out! You can get in touch with them here.
Lauren - Snowys(1 year ago)
Ambient operating temps1 answer
Hi. I’ve read the manual but it doesn’t state a maximum operating temperature. I live in Broken Hill and summertime temps in my Ute canopy regularly reach 60 degrees plus. Any help would be great. Thank you.
Justyn - Broken Hill, NSW(3 years ago)
G'day Justyn,
We do have the power consumption ambient temp information in the specifcations section. I've copy and pasted below: 1.2 A/h, 2°C interior, 32°C ambient | 2.4 A/h −16°C interior, 32°C ambient
Your fridge will still run in higher temps, but the compressor will be going full ball & drawing maximum power, you likely wont get the consistent temperature performance out of it that you would like.
I'd recommend getting in touch with Evakools tech team directly to discuss options on how you can support your fridge to get the most out of it, or wether or not there would be a more suitable option in their range. Jump onto their Contact Us Form, or scroll to the bottom of their website for relevant contact numbers.
Lauren - Snowys(3 years ago)
Power source1 answer
Hi, can I run this on 240v?
Vaughn - Bordertown South, SA (3 years ago)
G'day Vaughn,
You can, however you'll need to grab an additional 240v Evakool adapter. This will plug into the Anderson Output on the back of the Drawer Fridge.
Lauren - Snowys(3 years ago)
Compressor unit1 answer
Is the compressor unit able to be removed for remote storage? Or is it permanently fixed to the back?
Thomas - Leongatha, VIC(3 years ago)
G'day Thomas,
The compressor on the EvaKool DC40 is fixed in place & cannot be removed. The only drawer fridge I'm aware of that had a removable compressor was the previous Engel SB30, however I believe they may only be able to found as a second-hand option.