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AutoKing Fire Extinguisher 1 Kg − Suitable for A−Class (paper, wood, textiles), B−Class (flammable liquids including oils, paints, and solvents), and C−Class (energised electrical fires including switchboards and electrical motors) fires

AutoKing Fire Extinguisher 1 Kg

4% off


With over 35 years in the automotive industry, AutoKing has been supplying and distributing a range of solid gear for your vehicle from their headquarters in South Australia since 1980.

With a customer-based approach, AutoKing is committed to offering high-quality products at a competitive price for the consumer.

Featuring range of automotive gear such as mirrors, booster leads, snatch straps, air compressors, D shackles and 12V appliances and more – AutoKing have got you covered for your adventures on the road. 

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