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Highway Etiquette – Let’s Raise the Wave!

Yes, we admit it, on those not so interesting journeys we often resort to ‘the wave’. We’ve tried the full hand wave, the two finger raise (peace to you), even the single finger move (the polite one) and sometimes the passenger waves both hands.

True Aussie RV Etiquette

The good news is that about 80% of caravaners usually return a wave, provided you’re driving a van as well; guess the other 20% don’t understand true Aussie RV etiquette. Interestingly on Kangaroo Island just about everyone waves, a very friendly island that.

The hireable motorhome brigade don’t seem to wave to caravaners, we’ll assume they aren’t just snobs but are new to the country and just haven’t been told.

Is it right that both passenger and driver wave (must be a really boring stretch of road)? Maybe we should even wave into the mirror, just in case they missed the first one.

The thumbs up

Then, of course, the good old thumbs up must rate, but I generally do this when I encounter the same vehicle as mine or I like the look of an oncoming rig, or pimped up tow vehicle.

We could even get carried away as we pull into camp and raise the hand in a drinking motion to indicate we need a drink and happy hour is near. Okay, we are selective, we usually only wave to caravaners, but I reckon it’s time to change. Keep the kids happy and play a game, wave to red cars, or yellow, or blue … whatever.

Mix it up

Mix it up and confuse people. Break the barriers and wave to motor homes or camper trailers or even the lonely truck driver.

Invent new waves, what about a two finger walking motion to fellow hikers. Or moving the hand in a circular motion to vehicles with bikes on top. Swap the wave and see what get’s the best result.

Don’t forget that you don’t have to be on a long journey, you can even wave when travelling in the suburban jungle on your way to Snowys. A simple wave when someone lets you in or on a narrow street and someone pulls over to let you through.

Obviously, make sure you have full control of your vehicle and it’s safe to wave.

C’mon, follow a little highway etiquette – Let’s raise the wave! We’re interested in your wave technique, any helpful hints and what’s your return rate?

Andrew Kennedy: Experienced video production for over 40 years ... love it! Camping and caravanning ... live it!